Dark Blood Age

Chapter 699 - The Truth of the Pseudo-Monolith

Chapter 699: Chapter 699: The Truth of the Pseudo-Monolith

Translator: Doggotranslation

“First of all, I don’t know if the people who built this place were the people who mourned the falling sky, maybe they were, maybe they were not.” The old Tzolk’in being said with a deep voice, “Secondly, I also don’t know who ‘they’ were...”

“The reason why I am here is that I am the only Tzolk’in being who successfully survived that doomsday experiment, and my task is to find the energy that allowed me to survive magically. Look at those pyramid tombs made up of many crystal skulls, they were all Tzolk’in beings who died in the experiment. In order to save the civilization of Tzolk’in people in the wrath of the god, and in order to rebuild our home in the future, millions of Tzolk’in people gave up their lives and their bodies and participated in the death experiment one by one. They were once the heroes of the Tzolk’in people, but now, how many Tzolk’in people can remember them, and remember their love for the Tzolk’in people, their indomitable spirits, and their sacrifices for the future? ... You may be right, the current Tzolk’in beings have already become lackeys of gods.”

“I am the sixth sequence of the fourth Baktun. The first to the fifth sequence before me, all died in that doomsday experiment, and the fourth Baktun was the only Baktun among the thirteen Baktuns at that time dedicated to the doomsday experiment and eventually died in the doomsday experiment. He was also the only one who did not rely on that covenant to enter Cardinal Source Gate. His love for the Tzolk’in people and his unyielding will is always the eternal pride of Tzolk’in people of the fourth sequence. This was the reason why the new fourth Baktun couldn’t be accepted by the Tzolk’in people of the fourth sequence, even if the new fourth Baktun entered Cardinal Source Gate with the help of covenant. He is not our pride.”

“After I survived, in the will of the fourth Baktun, I vowed to find the source of that energy and get rid of the god’s covenant clamped on the neck of the Tzolk’in people. Because all the old Tzolk’in people of the fourth sequence didn’t accept the new Baktun, they chose to drift into the vast universe in the end. I was called the disgrace of the Tzolk’in beings of the fourth sequence, bearing the pain of betrayal of my own kind and staying behind, until I found here, where the pre-Cambrian beings get the Cambrian soul!”

“The creator of this place called this place ‘node’. The place where the pre-Cambrian beings found a trace of the secret of immortality. They despicably used the Tzolk’in people’s regret for the mistakes they had made in the past and conducted various experiments on earth secretly until we discovered that they actually started to cultivate life force. They violated the bottom line of the agreement of Tzolk’in beings taking shelter in their solar system. So the Tzolk’in people started hunting them all over the world, but we didn’t want to exterminate them at the time. As long as they gave up cultivating life force, we could still let them go. But at the most intense moment of the war, they were actually preparing to do something frantic. They wanted to completely blow up the earth and create the soul of Cambrian...”

“After Tzolk’in people paid a heavy price to defeat the pre-Cambrian beings, we found the node in their records, and I found something very similar to the energy that allowed me to survive in the node. At that time, Tzolk’in beings entered the Great Slump period because of the war that lasted for tens of thousands of years. Everyone was thinking about how to survive the Great Slump period. No one cared about the similar energy in the node. They were more afraid that they would offend the god, so they sealed it as soon as they could. Only I quietly brought those companions who died in the doomsday experiment into this place, day after day, year after year trying to find the truth.”

“Time can take away the feelings of gratitude and resentment. The old generation of the thirteen Baktuns, including the new fourth baktun, gradually died one by one. The new generation of Tzolk’in beings has already forgotten me, the defective product of that experiment. 500 million years of time, even if there is a record of my existence, or someone came here to see me and my companions, they would think that we have been dead for hundreds of millions of years. Even the descendants of the Tzolk’in people of the fourth sequence, who were still drifting in the universe, have probably also forgotten about me, a Tzolk’in being they called the disgrace of our people.”

There was a trace of longing in the empty eyes of the ancient skeleton at this time, as if he wanted to roam through the endless universe with the Tzolk’in people of the fourth sequence, laughing with them, dying with them, feeling proud with them... However, in reality, he could only envy them infinitely with an extremely lonely and sad heart.

“They must be very happy.”

After a long sigh, the ancient skeleton continued:

“After countless years of research here, I have gradually discovered something. The original purpose of the creator to build the node was very clear. It was to simulate the future of the universe, so it can be regarded as a physical deduction or a simulation model.”

“Later I learned that space is fragmented on a very small scale. Time is only a measure of changes in things. Only when there is change, there is time. The smallest change in the universe is the time required to pass the smallest distance at the fastest speed. Less than this time, the universe will not have any change, so the time will be meaningless here. The node was built in the smallest gap between the fragmented spaces. Cleverly, taking the advantage of this law, the node was placed in a non-existent space and time to avoid the logical contradiction of the model proving itself by being in the universe itself. Just like the Pythagorean theorem cannot be proved by itself.”

“This is simply a miracle that cannot be achieved, but the creator seemed to have used something and then magically built it, making it exist in a place where time and space are meaningless. However, space-time is bound by the fundamental forces of the universe, even if it is fragmented on a very small scale, it will not cause fragments to scatter or fall into a chaotic state at the macro level. This is why space-time can be distorted, but the universe is always flat. Therefore, because the node was built in the gap of the fragmented space of the earth, the entrance of the node built on the earth is limited by the stability of the earth’s fragmented space. Then naturally, the entrance can only be tied near the earth and will not escape.”

“Your arrow shot through the membrane point where the earth is, and originally you were really going to die, but because there is a node entrance nearby, and you have black energy and Wuzi fragments, your consciousness can enter the deduction model of the node.”

“Then we are going to talk about your doubts.”

“Once the place where time and space have no meaning is discovered, according to the definition of meaning, the discovered thing will automatically be given meaning, then it will change from meaningless to meaningful. This creates a paradox, a confusion of logic and thought, in which the true and the false are indistinctly separated. This is the key and the essence of it.”

“However, if you have studied the node for hundreds of millions of years like me, you will find the ingenuity of the creator’s idea! In the vast universe, can you find a place where time and space have no meaning? You can! Because of the development of our own civilization, we, Tzolk’in beings were lucky and extremely unfortunate to scratch the surface of that knowledge.”

“When we changed hands, feet, internal organs and in the end, kept changing our brains, the scientists and philosophers of the Tzolk’in people faced an unsolvable major problem – Where does life, or consciousness, exist? We have changed everything, but we still can’t find it. It is like a ghost. It clearly exists but we can’t find where it exists. Even the brain, which we have placed high hopes on, has lost its mysterious qualification to protect its existence in the extreme development of technology. ”

“You can imagine that, at that time, we were like monkeys out of the forest, suddenly finding that we did not know anything. What kind of ideological reaction do you think we had? Soon, its problem became a major event of epoch-making significance in the history of the Tzolk’in beings. It was as shocking as the discovery that the earth was round for the first time in human history. We were trying to figure out where it was like a mad man. Driven by this force, science and technology were advancing by leaps and bounds. We had powerful technologies to conquer one planet after another, our enemies no longer had the power to threaten us. We could even use the slaves’ organs to extend our lives, so we no longer had any fear. Wherever our ship arrived, we would be the king!”

“Thinking about it now, we probably really lost our mind at that time. We were like a bunch of lunatics, suppressing slaves, slaughtering rebels, and deciding the survival of a planet often depended on whether we were happy or unhappy that day! We revealed and went mad, and gradually lost our fear of the universe and of nature. We claimed to be gods everywhere because we were omnipotent, and we really thought we were gods because no one could stop our warships, even the current overlord of the galaxy today was just our lackey. In human terms, we were indeed mentally retarded to the extreme. We even forgot the original intention of searching for our consciousness...”

“When our warship arrived at the edge of the galaxy, we could no longer advance half an inch. A very small number of Tzolk’in people among us began to calm down and carefully study ancient sites on other planets. A technologically advanced civilization like ours had long passed the stage of worshiping gods in the age of ignorance. When these calm Tzolk’in people proposed that the gods really existed, all they got was the ridicule of all Tzolk’in people, but before the ridicule had yet fallen, and the wrath of the gods fell from the sky!”

“That was the end of the Tzolk’in people, the end of the madness. Within one hundred thousand light years of the galaxy, the song of death was played everywhere. We were defeated again and again repeatedly, but we still couldn’t even see our enemy. The slaves rebelled, the planets rebelled, and the glory of the Tzolk’in people went up in smoke in the wrath of the god. Then another god appeared. It was the god we had a covenant with later on. As soon as it appeared, the battle of the gods broke out instantly!”

“Although no Tzolk’in beings has ever seen the god we had a covenant with, I still remembered what it said in our heads: ‘From now on, I will be the only god here. For the contribution you made, you will not perish.’ ”

“I don’t know what kind of contribution we have made, but it spoke directly into our heads, making the Tzolk’in people, who had forgotten their original purpose, begin to search for where the consciousness of life exists again. Only when we found the node did we just realize that our answer is that simple.”

“The 76332 sequence of the 13th Baktun Huang Bei Ying, the woman you call Temptress, once told you that human consciousness exists in the zero dimension, and the zero dimension is a place where there is no meaning in time and space. It can only produce a sense of existence and meaning, by feeling multi-dimensional space-time. When a person dies, it no longer has any meaning, and the paradox of meaning and meaningless of a node can be magically solved by this.”

“If you do not enter it, it will not exist. When you enter it, it is like life being born in a multidimensional world, perceiving the world, and hence producing meaning. When you exit it, it will be like death, no longer meaningful. It is very mysterious and very profound. It’s magical, but it’s actually had a creator.”

“One day, if you really die, you may be able to unravel the mystery – what is there after death, but by then, it no longer has any meaning, so it is meaningless to discuss it now.”

“So, if you insist on pursuing which is true and false in a superficially nuanced world, you will never see the truth. Only by understanding its essence can you understand it in your heart whether it is true or false?”

“Perhaps, you still want to ask why there is Micro Adjustment?”

“The node is indeed possible to have Micro Adjustment all the time, because it was built for the purpose of deducing the future of the universe, not for us latecomers to guess whether it is true or not.”

“In order to meet the development of the universe to the utmost extent, the node needs to introduce variables from the nearby zero-dimensional space all the time. It uses the zero-dimensional space of life as a bridge, takes the new changes of the universe as new parameters into the model, and then continues to calculate countless results.”

“It’s just that the way it borrows the zero-dimensional space of life is a bit peculiar. Generally, it obtains data in the dream of life or even the subconscious of life. This is a communication of a fair exchange of information, otherwise, it will lead to time-space imbalance and failure. When it connects to the zero-dimensional space of a creature, it also needs to open some ports to that creature, so the creature that is selected at random often has strange sensations afterward. For example, having a strange feeling you have met with someone somewhere before, or something has happened before but you can’t remember when and where it happened; or you clearly have never been to a place, but you will have a strange feeling that you have been to that place before, et cetera. These are the images the node deduce when they connect to a creature’s zero-dimensional space and are seen by the creature passing through the port, thus creating a chaotic memory without a timeline.

“You should have had these feelings before because the node has chosen you very emphatically many times.”

“When the node selects parameter variables from numerous zero-dimensional spaces, and then performs extremely high-speed calculations in the altar under my feet, those that have no impact on the future will be removed. Those that will have a significant impact on the future and will be re-entered into the model and classified here one by one, and then micro-adjusted according to their priorities.”

“And you are a special case. In the hundreds of millions of years that I have been with the node, you’re the first life to enter the node with a full zero-dimensional space. When you are having endless reincarnation here, doubters will gradually appear in your deduction world. This is something that the node did not expect, or the creator has never thought of it, so the white-dressed swordsman will be eliminated by the node. His presence questions the node itself, making it logically impossible for the node to stay clean. And once it fails to erase it, the node will erase you instead, as long as you don’t exist, he will not exist, but the node still exists, which goes back to that wonderful paradox solution.”

“But the white figures with bloody rulers you saw were not the same thing as the soldiers of the netherworld you know. The first one does not exist, and the latter one is actually derived from the data in the node. The former is just there to eliminate the white-dressed swordsman. But the idea is borrowed from the latter one.”

“This incident involves the other two people who have been to this place. During the hundreds of millions of years I have been with the node, only these two have been able to come here. This altar is the core of the node, and the mysterious protective force outside prevents all life from entering. Only the dead can enter, just like those crystal skeletons. The reason why I could come here was because of the energy that kept me alive. In terms of you, it is because of the Wuzi Fragment. But those two people, I don’t know why they were able to get in here.”

“The first of them came to the altar about five thousand years ago. He appeared on the altar effortlessly. As you might have guessed, he is the Venerable God who gave you the book. At that time, I was terrified. When I regained consciousness, I didn’t dare to make a sound. I thought it was the creator who came back. Later I realized that it was not. The Venerable god was very peaceful. He only stayed for a while, sighed, and then left.”

“The other is a woman. She entered here not too long after the Venerable God came and claimed to be the commander of the Fifth Fleet. After she glanced at the future through the node, she only said: ‘Heavens need to be amended, but the end of the world is still coming.’ Then she left with worries.”

“Later, I learned through the new parameters selected by the node that this woman left the “The Dragon Chapters” on the earth to mend the Heavens. At that time, the earth was very chaotic. Tzolk’in people fell into an even worse hibernation period after the great slump when the five elemental races rebelled. Many mysterious civilizations appeared on the earth. But about a thousand BC, that is, three thousand years ago, an important event took place. The mysterious civilizations that had appeared on the earth got into a big fight and left in a hurry.”

“Through the new variables inputted by the node, I learned that a spacecraft was hit by a mysterious silver light more than 3,000 light years away and crashed on a planet with very low temperature. Everyone was in a hurry to get to the scene. The mysterious silver light was said to be flying straight toward the earth, indestructible all the way. Because that ship was the only one that collided with it, so everyone thought that it must have recorded some valuable information.”

“So, if you can return to the earth now, maybe you can see the silver light coming straight to the earth, and then completely destroy the earth!”

“The cold star that this destroyed spaceship crash-landed has, in fact, been added to your simulation already. It’s the world you saw and the world the blue-haired girl came from. However, I don’t know why the node wants to add it. After all, even if it is the node, it still can’t simulate without any logic.”

“Now, I have explained most of the confusion you encountered in reincarnation. You also know your situation, but you may not know that every simulation of yours in the node is actually divided into two small reincarnations. The first reincarnation is from your birth to the Arctic war, the second reincarnation starts from the awakening in the world that you think is inside the Pseudo-Monolith until you die in the battle. Then the simulation will repeat again and again. But if you think about it carefully, there is one thing that you never do in any reincarnation, and it has to do with No.1.”

“That is to create the Cambrian Soul. In order to deceive yourself, you would rather fall into endless reincarnation again and again, but you always maintained the bottom line, whether it was in the first reincarnation or in the second reincarnation, you were never willing to fuse the Cambrian Soul. No.1 thought that you would eventually choose to do it because of its high probability ratio. But surprisingly, it never happened.”

“If I did not appear and talk to you, and use this as a parameter to interfere with the logical deduction of the node, you would continue to hear The Lament for The Falling Sky and then fail to enter the third level like what it happened in every other simulation. Moreover, even if I didn’t appear, you still would not be able to enter the third level. Because it wasn’t the special buildings built in a node, so it does not exist. The key to this whole thing is that No.1 didn’t know that I am still alive. It simply thought that you would believe him after he came here. That is the reason why it happened over and over again.”

“Fusing the Cambrian Soul is exactly what No.1 wants. The so-called black energy that you must use to create the Cambrian Soul is nothing but nonsense. You can think about it, who knows that you will have this kind of energy? Even the node was not able to deduce it before you appeared. If there is an error, or if you never exist, then in the countless years before you were born, wouldn’t they never be able to create a Cambrian soul? Then what was the point of keeping the Cambrian soul? What they are coveting now is just your godhood.”

“But it is not No.1 who covets your godhood. It is not qualified to covet it. It is its master, the third Baktun. When the end of the Tzolk’in people came, the first Baktun disappeared mysteriously and the second Baktun died in regret. So the power fell in the hands of the third Baktun. If he wanted to kill No.1, he would have killed it long ago. There was no way he would allow No.1 to hide the Cambrian Soul for so many years. He and No. 1 both know it clearly that Cambrian Soul is very similar to the energy in my body. It is a mysterious thing leaked from the node. As long as he can control it, he can descend into your body with a one hundred percent success rate. Now you understand why No.1 is eager to tempt you to fuse a Cambrian soul? ”

“So now, you have only one choice. You have to kill No.1 that invaded your reincarnation, kill the seventh sequence of the third Baktun, and the third Baktun that has appeared yet. If they do not die, they will forcibly fuse you with the Cambrian Soul at the end of this reincarnation. Although the success rate of this method is only 10%, they don’t have much time left. The node will not only kill them but has already prepared to kill you. And whether the fusion succeeds or fails, the result is your true death.”

“After killing them, you must immediately commit suicide, end the simulation, and use the last trace of black energy to begin a new simulation without external intervention. And then in the second reincarnation, you must kill yourself before you are born. This will logically deceive the node that you no longer exist in the simulation, thus getting rid of the reincarnation in the node. And then, with your black energy, you can destroy the entry membrane point of the node and permanently close the node.”

“Actually, you have already tried this method yourself. You once killed yourself in the womb in the second reincarnation, but because you didn’t have that cube, you couldn’t get out of the node. Now that you have this thing, you can successfully deceive the node so that it cannot find you..”

“In addition, I will give you the control sequence left to me by the fourth Baktun, so that you can inherit the position of the fourth Baktun and become the only new fourth Baktun accepted by our old fourth sequence of Tzolk’in people. Most of the people in the fourth sequence will obey your orders in the node. And when you finally come out of the node, if you appear on the earth, you need to immediately go to a person named Mo Wuluo; he has a way to heal your body. Even if you didn’t appear on earth, according to the membrane vibration of the node, you would not appear in other galaxies. It may still be somewhere in the Milky Way. So you can use the control of the sequence and find the Tzolk’in people wandering in the galaxy. You should be able to find them in the remnant bases left on many planets during the Glory days of the Tzolk’in people. They can help you get through the hunt of the superior of the Realm Messenger Ge.”


The sixth sequence finished speaking in one breath and calmly looked at Chu Yunsheng, waiting for his reaction.

After a long time, Chu Yunsheng raised his head and said calmly, “I have a few questions.”

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