The villainous daughter of the Duke, needs a hero

Vol 2 – 9: The Masquerade Ball

Vol 2 – Chapter 9: The Masquerade Ball

Translated by XianPiete

Duke Aumont was sent a message from the King saying to disregard the earlier proclamation about marriage to his son for Madeline. He scratched his head in disbelief. Why would the King act this way, it made no sense. When the Duke told Madeline she acted as if she knew in advance the message was coming. She told him, "My fiancé spoke with Prince Andre and explained that I was not available anymore and so he withdrew his proposal."

Duke Aumont was speechless. He looked at his daughter and then finally asked, "Is your fiancé planning to grace us with his presence at least once to properly ask for your hand, or am I just supposed to allow my precious daughter to be taken by a man with the reputation as a womanizing lecher without so much as a hello?"

Madeline chuckled and asked, "Shall we go see him and his family now then?"

Duke Aumont frowned and said, "I don\'t have time to travel all the way up to the Monfort territory just to greet this villain. His family should be the ones to come to us."

Madeline nodded and said, "Then I\'ll have them do so. Gate." A silvery portal appeared and then Madeline stepped through disappearing completely from the room. Duke Aumont stood there with his mouth agape. It was so shocking that he froze on the spot unable to understand what was happening before his eyes. Half a minute later she appeared again through the portal which then disappeared. She said, "He\'ll be here in fifteen minutes, I\'ll have the servants prepare some tea and snacks. You should get Mother since we don\'t want them to wait here long."

Duke Aumont stammered, "Madeline, what was that, are you... Just what is going on?"

Madeline smiled and said, "Once my fiancé arrives we will explain everything father, it will be alright. I promise you. Please, can you advise mother that the Montfort family will be arriving shortly?"


The two Dukes sat across from each other, both of them pale. The two Duchesses were chatting normally as if walking through the portal and arriving miles away in an instant was as normal as walking down a hallway. Duke Montfort said in a soft emotionless voice, "Vermin, it\'s good to see you."

Duke Aumont replied in a similar tone, "It\'s Fermin, and it\'s good to see you too, Gerard. It\'s been too long."

Duke Montfort looked at his son who was casually sitting with Madeline waiting for the two of them to work out the details of the engagement. Guy smiled at Madeline and said, "I gave him a small demonstration by cleaning up a sizable force of troops on the other side of the border and then Olivier solved the rest."

Madeline nodded and asked, "What level are you now?"

Guy said, "Oh, I haven\'t checked, that\'s a good point." He pulled out the large chalkboard from his inventory causing all conversation to stop in the room as they all just saw something impossible once again.

Madeline gasped, "Level sixty-five! Incredible, your stats have increased a lot too." Guy placed the chalkboard back into his inventory.

Guy nodded and said, "The firestorms I cast at level thirty-seven were much larger I noticed."

Duke Aumont asked, "So, about the marriage?"

Duke Montfort replied, "My son is in love with your daughter, I know you are worried about his reputation and his previous behavior. If I was you I wouldn\'t want a problem child like him near my daughter either. I swear to you on my family\'s honor though, he is a changed man. He is a man that I as a father am proud to call my son. We have had our difficulties in the past, Fermin, but I swear to you. My son is a good man. I can say for myself, that we as a family feel that your daughter would be a perfect fit in our family as well. She will be a Duchess, I know that she could have been a princess or even the Queen, but for some reason, she has chosen my son. You know my family\'s ancestry. She isn\'t taking a huge step down. Had things gone differently with the Duke of the Fall, she would be a princess or the Queen by marrying my son."

Duke Aumont looked at his daughter and saw how happy she looked sitting with Guy and said, "When the second prince came and delivered the letter from the King declaring an end to my daughter\'s engagement she stopped smiling. Stopped laughing and only trained the sword and studied. After meeting your son, she learned to smile and laugh again. That much would be worthy in my eyes of making him, my son-in-law. But now, with the two of them having discovered this power and ability. It\'s more than enough for me to accept the proposal. They are fated."

Duke Montfort nodded in agreement. He reached out his hand and then they shook on it.


Academy de L\'échec was in a buzz as the masquerade ball invitations were being passed around. This was the most exciting time of year at the Academy as all of the students would be hidden by masks so many couples would form as a result. The single lords and ladies were the most excited as they had the chance to meet people without the fear of their House being too low or their family too rural. Madeline and Guy went to a tailor together and designed costumes so that they would be a match for each other. Olivier took Ella to the Royal tailor to have a matching outfit made to his and Doreen brought Algernon to her own tailor for a matching set. Alicia explained that she would pass on the ball this time.

While at the ball this time, they all had a much more enjoyable time. Madeline found dancing with Guy to be more appealing than her first ball. The two of them sparkled on the dance floor. With their matching outfits and their closely synched dancing, the obvious love for each other in their eyes they drew the attention of everyone at the ball. The other couples from the Council of Magic were also obvious because of their added beauty from the Hero and Beauty potions along with their matching outfits.

Claude had come in a red outfit this time and danced with several ladies but never seemed to find one that really excited him. His eyes were drawn to one woman the entire night. Doreen Leon. He watched his tutor dance with her all night long. For some reason, he was entranced by the shape of her body and the way she moved on the dance floor. He tapped on Algernon\'s shoulder and asked, "Pardon me, may I have a dance with the lady?"

Doreen laughed softly and asked, "Claude, could it be that I have caught your eye?"

Algernon frowned and then said, "If the lady would like to dance with you, I will not interfere."

Doreen chuckled and said, "Oh? Well, come on Claude, show me what you\'ve got." Doreen dragged Claude out on the dance floor. Claude was an excellent dancer, but he didn\'t have the passion or the fluidity of Algernon. So Doreen wasn\'t impressed by him, the entire time they danced together she watched Algernon stand like a glaring statue looking her way. Doreen felt an incredible excitement from the look he gave her so she pressed closer to Claude and whispered in his ear, "You have no chance with me, I need to be honest with you here Claude. I am in love with Algernon, so, I hope you enjoy this dance, it will be our last."

Claude smiled and whispered back into her ear, "Oh? Is that why you are pressing so close to me, to make your man jealous? I wonder, will he attack me if I kiss you?"

Doreen laughed softly and said, "I have missed your sense of humor Claude, I\'ll bring you into the Order of the Rose again, we all need you there."

Claude looked confused, "Again? Why do you all act as if we are intimate friends? I feel like I am the only one not in on a joke between you all."

Doreen pressed her finger against his lips and said, "I guess you\'ll just have to come where I have invited you to find out. Hmm?" Claude nodded as the song came to an end. Doreen gave him a perfect ladylike curtsy and said, "Lord Rouvroy, thank you for the dance."

Claude watched her walk away and smiled.

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