The villainous daughter of the Duke, needs a hero

Chapter 39: Trouble at the Theater

Chapter 39: Trouble at the Theater

Translated by XianPiete

Madeline felt as if she was riding on a cloud as the coach made its way to the theater. The restaurant they went to was one she had never tried before, it was serving a strange cuisine that Guy insisted she try at least once. She thought to herself, \'he said it was called, \'Japanese food\' the dishes were all very amazing looking and had strange flavor combinations. Guy said that he had created the restaurant and its menu himself. I liked a lot of the dishes I tried, the \'soo she\' which was a strange flavored rice with pieces of raw fish on top were my favorite. Guy let me try some of his dish which he called \'yak e so bah\'. I didn\'t care for it myself, it was too oily, but he seemed to be lost in his own world of thoughts as he ate it. I really enjoy being in his company, but sometimes I feel like he is hiding things from me, like he is grieving for something or someone precious he lost and can\'t find. I kind of wish he would open up to me.\'

Guy looked at Madeline and smiled as he thought to himself, \'I wonder what she looks like naked? Oh crap, I think I am gonna fart. I\'m going to beat Olivier\'s ass when this date ends. This play better not be boring, it\'s supposed to be a comedy, but every play I have seen here was just awful. Oh, that lady outside has huge boobs, I can just about see down her dress from here. Damn it Olivier, don\'t speed off, she was starting to bend over. Crap, I just let a little out, I hope she doesn\'t smell it.\' Guy said, "I hear the play tonight is a comedy, have you been to see a play from this troupe before?"

Madeline shook her head no, "The last few years I have been training and studying for the Academy. When I was old enough to come to the capital with my parents I was already too involved in study to want to go to the theater." She wrinkled up her nose and said, "This part of town smells like a sewer."

Guy started to sweat a little and said, "Yes it does."


Norris stepped down from the bright pink carriage and opened the door to the Cab and held out his hand, "We have arrived, young miss." She took his hand and stepped down from the coach, she was dressed in a soft pink formal gown, in her hand she carried a small pink bag that matched the dress.

She looked at Norris and said, "Have them prepare my usual balcony, bring the large case as well. I will need tea and cake at intermission."

"Of course, young miss." Norris replied. He climbed up top of the carriage and brought a large pink suitcase down with him. Then he walked over and spoke to the doorman who took the case inside for them. The young miss walked calmly inside and Norris walked behind her at his normal pace as her pink carriage rode off around the corner.

A few moments later after the two walked inside, Guy\'s new carriage arrived at the entrance. Olivier once again got down and rolled out the red carpet leading up the stairs, he stood by the door and before opening the door to the cab announced, "Second Mage of the Council of Magic, Knight of the Order of the Rose, Sir Guy de Montfort and Third Mage of the Council of Magic, Knight of the Order of the Rose, Dame Madeline Celeste d\'Aumont."

The doorman gave a deep bow and said, "Sir we have your balcony prepared, please, come this way."


Guy was surprised to find that he enjoyed the play quite a bit, mainly because Madeline was laughing so much. He couldn\'t remember a time seeing her laugh so hard and for so long. When she laughed, it was almost like hearing the laugh of a villainess from an anime. Actually, no, it was exactly the laugh of a villainess from an anime. He found himself watching her from time to time rather than the play itself.

She turned and looked at him so he smiled and took her hand in his and gave it a squeeze.


Norris stood behind his young miss as she sat in her balcony seat watching the play, ten minutes after the play started a man entered her balcony, gave Norris a nod and then took a seat at her side, he was dressed all in white but was wearing a gold masquerade mask with a long hooked nose. He said, "Cecile, it seems we no longer need to worry about the last two. They are too close to the Council of Magic. Instead I need you to make a visit to the palace. Father needs a goodbye present from me, also, it needs to look accidental. I can\'t have little Olivier and his friends becoming involved in this."

"Yes your highness." She replied. She thought for a moment and then asked, "Then tonight?"

He chuckled and said, "A hero king is better for the people, than an idiot king." He stood up and walked out of the Balcony.

"Norris." She said.

"Yes, young miss?" Norris replied.

"Is our man prepared?" She asked.

"Of course, young miss, it will go exactly as planned." Norris gave a bow and then asked, "Shall I serve the cake?"


The first prince made a grand entrance during the intermission taking a seat in the front row, he brought a beautiful young woman with him. Everyone seemed to be confused because the first prince was known to be somewhat foolish and yet the first prince they were seeing with their own eyes looked confident and princely.

When the play resumed, a man jumped down from a balcony holding a dagger. He ran at the prince like a mad dog, screaming, "Down with Pays Des Abrutis, long live Emperor von Plettenberg!" The prince stood up and pulled out his sword slicing the man\'s head off in one easy stroke.

The play had come to a stop so the crowd was confused at first, was it real? The prince cleaned his sword on the dead man\'s body and then slid it back into the scabbard at his side and loudly called out in a heroic voice, "Come clean this up, I was enjoying the show." He then sat down like he was going to finish watching the play.

A team of men came running out and gathered the body and the head, cleaning up the blood in a hurry. The actors looked shocked, it took them a few minutes and then they continued the play. The stain of blood still visible on the edge of the stage.


Madeline had wanted to act out at once, she was ready with a spell and had her hand on her sword when Guy lightly touched her hand and said, "Don\'t. We are still watching a play."

Madeline had been confused at the time, but after the crowd gave a round of applause for the bravery of the first prince she started to understand. She asked Guy, "Then the first prince set up his own assassination?"

Guy smiled at Madeline and then whispered to her, "Would you be happy with an idiot king?"

She shook her head no and then Guy said, "The first prince is a lot more interesting than we all believed. I think he was hiding himself in order to let Prince Andre and Olivier fight over the crown and possibly kill one of the two allowing him to come in as the sane choice in the end."

Madeline looked shocked and then asked, "How did you come to that conclusion?"

Guy shrugged and said, "It\'s a trope they use for this kind of game."

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