The Last Primal

Chapter 84 - 84 - The Flickering Flame

While Lily was busy with the Guild-organized event, at the other side of the town, in The Slums, close to a particular section of the walls stood a small run-down shack. While the building itself was nothing that could catch the attention, the 2 sturdy, mountain-like men that stood guard in front of it, would.

Their wear consisted of black leather armor and black padded leggings. Both had a short sword attached to their hips. Below the leather chest, they were wearing black sleeveless t-shirts that gave way for everyone to look at their incredible physique. On their right arms, both of them were wearing the tattoo of a white snake that was in the process of devouring a human skull.

While it only had 1 single white color with a black contour, it was still an incredibly detailed tattoo. Both of them stood tall and motionless. While none of the citizens knew the name of this group that took residence in that shack, they knew what they dwelled in. They had a wide range of services, one of them was transportation.

As the shack\'s door squeakily opened, the figure of a man shrouded in a brown tattered cloak stepped out. His shoulder-length silver hair fluttered in the wind. His aquamarine eyes scanned his surroundings for a few seconds until it rested on the 2 gorilla\'s standing guard at the door. 

Sighing, he pulled the hood of his cloak over his head and turned around looking at the man with similar scars that he had seen on his counterpart in the capital. Although the hood was hiding the scorn on his face, it couldn\'t hide the disgust visible in his tone as he spoke to this frog.

"What do you want?"

The scar-faced man that looked more like a frog than a man bowed courteously and as he looked back up to the young man, he gave a very polite smile as he replied.

"Excuse my rudeness… young prince, but may I know what business you have in this little town? It would be our pleasure to assist the crown prince in his endeavors whatever they may be."

The disgust and disdain he felt for this toad increased by the minute. Not wanting to spend any more time in his company, he took a step back, and with the same tone as before he replied.

"Nothing that your group can help me with. In case I need your… services… I will contact you." 

As he finished what he wanted to say, he turned around and started to leave, however his steps quickly halted when the toad spoke once again.

"Are the prince perhaps looking for his… little sister?" the scar-faced man asked with a knowing and satisfied smile plastered on his face, seeing the effect his words.

The prince gripped the handle of his beautifully decorated sword and turned around. Fighting to control the urge to slice this disgusting figure and controlling the rage and fury that started to overwhelm him, he spoke with much difficulty.

"What do you know… about her?!"

The man courteously bowed once again as he respectfully spoke.

"We know that she is currently in the city. She is a slave fighter and goes by the name of "Wild Tigress". She has regular fights every week in the Pit, my prince."

Hearing the news that a princess of this kingdom and his precious little sister was forced to live as a slave, a gladiator because of the choices of his father, he could barely contain himself to not go on a rampage right here and now. 

Exhaling and taking in a breath of new although not so fresh air, he forcefully calmed himself down, and looked at this man once again.

"What help can you offer me? And more importantly, what do you want in return for the information and assistance that you could provide?" he asked, this time hiding the disdain in his voice.

The change of tone was a pleasant surprise for the scar-faced man. Keeping his face respectfully on the ground he answered. 

"We can help the prince locate her, and even assist in breaking her free. We want nothing but to make sure the Young Prince will continue being our ally, and good friend in the future."

"Tsk! What you want is to make sure I continue to support and be your benefactor in the future. With my backing, you would be unstoppable in the entire kingdom…" the prince muttered mostly himself, but it was still audible enough for the scarred man to hear causing his smile to become a wide grin instead. He kept his face plastered to the ground to avoid the prince seeing his face.

"Fine! I can agree to that, but only if your group will not have anything to do with Slave Trading in the future. If I catch wind that you guys are trafficking slaves in the Kingdom, I will use everything I have to crush you. You got that?!" 

As he had already expected this answer, the scar-faced man, looked up for the first time from his bow, and with the same satisfied smile on his face, he answered while nodding.

"Yes, of course, my prince. While I admit we have transported slaves as cargo before, we never officially supported such business and we always made sure to notify the respective authorities when we could. We will continue to do so, so the Young Prince can rest easy, knowing that we will be his eyes in the underworld."

"Enough about this, give me the info about my sister. Where is she? Where can I find her?!" The figure changed the subject, unable to contain his desire to find his sister any longer.

"Patience my prince, we do not know her exact location currently, but we know that she is scheduled for a match 2 days from now in the Pit, which is an Underground fighting arena here in the Slums. Come back here in 2 days just before sundown and we will provide you with an entry to the event."

The prince silently nodded and turned around. As he started walking away, he once again halted his steps, and looked at the man over his shoulders. 

"Thank you." he said curtly. Then, without waiting for any answers, he pulled the hood and quickly vanished in a nearby alley.

Looking at his back as he was walking away, the scar-faced man\'s smile that was ever-present on his ugly mug, turned even wider, and a hint of cruelty shined in his eyes. 

Looking at the guards that stood motionless while all this conversation took place he spoke in a commanding tone. 

"Go and inform the rest to stand ready. The plan is set in motion, we just need to attend the party. Get a VIP ticket so our little prince can crush our competition for us…"

Then he turned around and walked inside the shack. He had a lot to report to his superiors…


Darkness. All around there was nothing but the void. If you think about it, this entity, this void could be considered the highest existence in all creation. In fact, you could say it stood above it. It was there before the first light was created, and it will stay there long after its flame has died down. It was a symbol, an assurance that whatever happens, it will stay there. 

Inside this void, this closed dimension, a singular golden spot started to glow brighter, and although previously it\'s light was very faint, it slowly, gradually started to brighten up. 

After a while, the spot grew and changed, and as if something had woken it up, flames suddenly erupted on its surface wrapping that golden ball in its caressing tinges. 

Again, some time passed, and the intensity and power of these golden-colored flames increased. After a while, you could no longer say it was a tiny spark, but a huge fire, that battled against the void that tried to silence it. No more! 

As the battle raged on, neither side could gain any ground against the other. The golden flame had its own tiny spot of brightness that proudly stood against this encroaching monster trying to silence it, without any success.

As the consciousness recovering inside this golden flame seemed to show signs of activity, a white bright ball came into existence next to it. It\'s white bright light, fused together with the golden flames, giving it more power. 

After a while, a mature female voice came from this white ball of energy as it spoke to the golden flames. 

[You don\'t have to fight for much longer, I promise you. Hold out just a little bit longer! He almost recovered enough energy to wake up!] 

As if the flame could understand her words, it increased its intensity as it battled against this metaphorical threat. The flames burned even brighter, and its size also increased. 

As if the ball could understand the emotion transmitted behind these actions, although she no longer had a face, if she would, you could see her gentle smile as she looked at the heart of the flame, where a golden-colored spectral seed was resting. 

[Hope you wake up soon… Aiden…]

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